Our team is developing a next-generation heart valve using specialised biopolymers manufactured using advanced 3D printing.
The Problem
Aortic Stenosis is the most common and serious valve disease where a patient’s aortic valve narrows, restricting the flow of blood to the rest of the body. If severe symptoms are left untreated up to 50% will die within 2 years. The only solution for aortic stenosis is aortic valve replacement. Current replacement heart valves are mostly made from animal tissue which degrade over time, requiring patients to undergo repeat high-risk surgery as soon as 5 years later.
The Solution
Our team is developing a next-generation heart valve using specialised biopolymers manufactured using advanced 3D printing. By taking inspiration from nature, our bioinspired valves provide superior performance and durability compared to current valves. Using advanced 3D printing manufacturing process also makes our valves significantly more cost effective than current valves and allows us to create bespoke devices to suit the patient.

The Team
Our team of international experts in biomedical engineering, cardiology and medtech commercialisation are well positioned to deliver a next-generation valve that provides best-in-class performance and durability.